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Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri - Professionals On Line ISSNe: 2709-4502

Social networks and cyberbullying in high school students from a Public Educational Institution in Lima
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social media

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Social networks and cyberbullying in high school students from a Public Educational Institution in Lima (S. Camero Ricalde, A. Ruiz Pinto, I. R. Vertiz Osores, & A. M. Aguado Lingan , Trans.). (2021). Alpha Centauri, 2(4), 36-47.


Ciberbullying and social media are a problem that affects mostly teenagers through insults and threats, cases of Sexting and Cibergrooming can also be generated. Currently, they prefer to connect through social media to go viral for their publications and search interact with more people. The general objective is to analyze the impact of social media and ciberbullying on high school students of the I.E., 0086 Jose Maria Arguedas. The methodology used is of a qualitative approach, phenomenological design, the participants were students, teachers, and parents of the institution, the instrument used was the interview. Regarding the results, it was shown that high school students remain active in social media, since they interact with their friends and strangers, for them it is their way of feeling more confident to relate to people. There is also evidence of the presence of ciberbullying, cyber grooming, ciberbullying, sexting in students, the consequences of misuse that can be given, in addition to the lack of supervision and communication from parents to children. In conclusion, teenagers are more exposed to suffer some type of violence through social media.

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Shiomara Camero Ricalde

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Shiomara Camero Ricalde, Alan Ruiz Pipnto, Iván Ricardo Vertiz Osores, Aracelli Mónica Aguado Linga