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Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri - Professionals On Line ISSNe: 2709-4502

Institutional climate and job performance of SIS-UDR servers in Amazonas
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institutional climate

How to Cite

Institutional climate and job performance of SIS-UDR servers in Amazonas (C. E. Carlos Ramos, F. M. Camacho Delgado, R. M. Sempértegui Rafael, & L. A. Ríos Pérez , Trans.). (2023). Alpha Centauri, 4(1), 02-11.


The primary objective of the study was to determine the relationship between the institutional climate and the job performance of the employees of the Comprehensive Health Insurance-UDR Bagua y Amazonas, using the hypothetical-deductive method, with a quantitative approach.

Regarding the research design, the non-experimental, descriptive-relational type was used. Likewise, as a population it had the participation of the workers of the Comprehensive Health Insurance- UDR Bagua and Amazonas consisting of 30 servers.

For the collection of information, the Likert scale questionnaire was used as the survey technique and as the instrument. It was concluded that the institutional climate has a high and direct significant correlation with the work performance of the employees of the Comprehensive Insurance of the UDR Bagua and Amazonas, with the reading: Rho=0.784 (p<0.000). Finding that the institutional climate is at a healthy level with an average of 80%. However, the labor performance variable is located at a high level according to 87.7%, while 13.3% at a medium level.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Casimiro Eulogio Carlos Ramos, Freddy Manuel Camacho Delgado, Roxana Mabel Sempértegui Rafael, Luz Angélica Ríos Pérez