Revista Científica Certificada con la Norma Internacional ISO 9001:2015 - SGS

Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri - Professionals On Line ISSNe: 2709-4502

Big Data proposal for the inclusion of websites under the Colombian Technical Standard 5458
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Web accessibility
structured data
unstructured data

How to Cite

Big Data proposal for the inclusion of websites under the Colombian Technical Standard 5458 (N. E. Ochoa Guevara & D. A. Mancilla Sánchez , Trans.). (2023). Alpha Centauri, 4(2), 02-10.


This research article is presented because in Colombia several public and private entities are not aware of the Colombian Technical Standard NTC-5854. From there, the problem arises about what is really the level of accessibility in which the country's institutional pages are found in the public sector? Based on the purpose of determining the accessibility status of some pages and institutions, especially in the public sector. Therefore, a mixed methodological approach (qualitative - quantitative) is used, with a type of descriptive and explanatory study. With a population of 147 Colombian public entities, through the analysis of their URLs where different indicators are evaluated, allowing to know how accessible they are in order to design a Big Data proposal for the application of NTC-5854 on these websites. This data collection, analysis and evaluation is carried out through the Big Data technique with the Excel Pivot tool respectively. The results show that most of the institutional pages do not fully have each of the indicators corresponding to the four evaluated characteristics, perceptible, operable, understandable and robust of said NTC-5854 standard.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Nancy Edith Ochoa Guevara, Duván Antonio Mancilla Sánchez