Revista Científica Certificada con la Norma Internacional ISO 9001:2015 - SGS

Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri - Professionals On Line ISSNe: 2709-4502

Usando tecnologías limpias para construir carreteras ayudamos a la salud
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tecnología limpia
obras civiles

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Usando tecnologías limpias para construir carreteras ayudamos a la salud (L. B. RAMOS LORENZO , Trans.). (2021). Alpha Centauri, 2(4), 15-25.


The objective of this research was to determine how the use of clean technologies in the execution of road works impacts on health, for this purpose the inhabitants of the area of ??influence of the Oyón-Ambo Highway work were taken as the unit of analysis. Being the type of research for its applied purpose where the analysis focused on the impact on the morbidity of the inhabitants of the area of ??influence to the work, the data was collected directly from the official reports of the Ministry of Health and for the contrast was did the Kruskal-Wallis statistician. It was evidenced from the data collected and from the inferential analysis that the use of clean technologies in the execution of road works decreased the morbidity rates in the inhabitants of the area of ??influence by 65.45%. Concluding that there is an impact on the levels of morbidity of the residents of the eight districts surrounding the execution of the Oyón-Ambo highway work, as a consequence of the use of clean technologies.

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Luz Baltazara Ramos Lorenzo

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Copyright (c) 2021 Luz Baltazara RAMOS LORENZO