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Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri - Professionals On Line ISSNe: 2709-4502

Analysis of the Constitutional Principle of the Huanta Villagers, massacre in the district of Putis.1984-Peru
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Constitutional principles

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Analysis of the Constitutional Principle of the Huanta Villagers, massacre in the district of Putis.1984-Peru (Y. K. Bermudo Ignacio, O. K. Durand-De-La-O, R. Olivera-Villegas, & M. A. L. Manrique-Nugent , Trans.). (2023). Alpha Centauri, 4(3), 37-41.


The purpose of this study was to analyze the constitutional principle of the people of the province of Huanta. The research corresponds to a documentary and/or bibliographical theoretical exploration. The constitution is the norm of the highest hierarchical level of the legal system, whose purpose is to regulate state power and also the fundamental freedoms recognized to persons belonging to the state. (BCN, 2022). It should be noted that the Constitution is a political document with built-in provisions; because it contains a set of values, principles and norms that define political coexistence and strengthen the unity and consistency of the country's legal system. We examine, then, the constitutional principles of the Huantinos; because these are the decisions that print the dominant trend in the relations of the rulers. Constitutional principles refer to the ethical, social, legal and ideological values ??enshrined in the country's constitution, from which the entire legal system derives. They can also be called basic principles. (, 2023).” The constitution of the country and the resulting legal system are a way of understanding the relationships between individuals in a certain way, to form a standard cultural expression in society and at a certain time, all within the limits of the inner breath of the vocation. the justice that follows man. Thus, society and history act as unavoidable conditions in this universal search to live with justice.  (GARCÍA. Enrique, 2010).  (CAMPOS, 2015) This reveals that constitutional finalism is anchored in the configuration    between values ??and principles, because it is the horizon of ends that gives a unified meaning to the axiological system, uproots all the predictions of the constitution, which, while the constitution is the basis of the legal system, it seeps into all its parts.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Yosselin Katherin Bermudo Ignacio, Olga Karina Durand-De-La-O, Richard Olivera-Villegas, Manuel Alberto Luis Manrique-Nugent