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Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri - Professionals On Line ISSNe: 2709-4502

Analysis of the academic training of judges and its effect on the administration of Justice in Peru
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Academic training

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Analysis of the academic training of judges and its effect on the administration of Justice in Peru (L. H. Paz Delgado , Trans.). (2024). Alpha Centauri, 5(2), 27-35.


The purpose of this article is to examine the academic training of Peruvian judges and how this influences the administration of justice in the country. To achieve this objective, a methodology was used that included the review of specialized literature, analysis of statistical data on the academic training of judges in Peru.

The research reveals that the academic training of Peruvian judges is varied and, in some cases, insufficient to face the challenges of the judicial system. The lack of specific training in key areas such as procedural law, criminal law and human rights is reflected in the quality of judicial decisions and in the population's perception of justice in the country.

In conclusion, the creation of a School of Judges in Peru is proposed that provides comprehensive and specialized training to aspiring judges, as well as continuing training programs for practicing judges. This school would not only guarantee the adequate preparation of judges to perform their duties effectively, but would also contribute to improving the quality and legitimacy of the Peruvian judicial system, thus strengthening the rule of law and democracy in the country.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Leonel Harry Paz Delgado