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Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri - Professionals On Line ISSNe: 2709-4502

Balanced feeding and its incidence of supplementing wheat, barley and vitamins to rabbits
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Balanced diet

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Balanced feeding and its incidence of supplementing wheat, barley and vitamins to rabbits (M. C. Gaspar Musucancha & H. R. Almeida Tueros , Trans.). (2022). Alpha Centauri, 3(3), 227-228.


The weight gain of the rabbits is associated with the food they receive during the growth stage. The main objective was to establish the relationship between balanced rabbit feeding with supplementing wheat, barley and vitamins to rabbits in Chosica. The material used was registered in the SPSS program. Likewise, the mean, the analysis of variance and the total weight of the 3 sample groups of rabbit feeding research have been registered. The methodology involved the selection of the cages and the selection of 3 groups of rabbits, each group of 10 rabbits to achieve the expected objective. The results indicate that giving daily 20 gr. per day of wheat supplement, his weight increased by 560 gr. with barley, increase 420gr and with vitamins increase 364gr per rabbit. Conclusions the best food is wheat.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Manuel Ciriaco Gaspar Musucancha, Hermes Rodrigo Almeida Tueros