Revista Científica Certificada con la Norma Internacional ISO 9001:2015 - SGS

Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri - Professionals On Line ISSNe: 2709-4502

Double-blind peer review

Nuevo envío

The Alpha Centauri Journal of Scientific and Technological Research is grateful to its reviewers, of whom there are many tens of thousands. Only by working with our reviewers can editors ensure that the manuscripts we publish are among the most important in their scientific research disciplines. We appreciate the time that the referees spend evaluating the manuscripts we send them, which helps to ensure that the Alpha Centauri journal publishes only the highest quality material. In particular, many submitted manuscripts contain large volumes of additional (supplemental) data and other material, which the referees need time to evaluate. We thank our arbitrators for their continued commitment to our publication process, and to help recognize this effort, we provide each Alpha Centauri arbitrator with an official arbitration activity report.

The policy and peer review process for Alpha Centauri magazine are explained on this Policy page and the peer review process page Review. Here you can read about our online manuscript review system; publication criteria; the review process; how we select the arbitrators; access to literature for referees; write the review; other questions to consider; synchronization; anonymity; edit referee reports; the peer review system in general; Journal publication policies related to peer review; Ethics and safety considerations for reviewers. See "Reviewing Appeals", an editorial of Professionals Online SAC., For a description of the Alpha Centauri journal peer review process and what the journals do regarding appeals against decisions not to publish articles.

General information

The following types of contributions to Alpha Centauri magazine are peer-reviewed: Articles, Letters, Brief Communications, Raising Issues, White Papers, Analyzes, Resources, Reviews, Insights, and Information Articles. Correspondence and all published forms of correction may also be peer-reviewed at the editors' discretion.

Other contributed articles are rarely peer-reviewed. However, articles published in these sections, especially if they present technical information, may be peer-reviewed at the editors' discretion.

For any general questions and comments about the peer review process, the journal, or its editorial policies that are not addressed here, we encourage reviewers to contact us using the comment links in the box at the top right. of each page in the authors and referees.

Questions about a specific manuscript should be directed to the editor in charge of the manuscript.

Online manuscript review

We ask reviewers to submit their reports through our secure online system by following the link provided in the editor's email. There is an online help guide to help you use this system and a help desk email account for any technical issues.