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Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri - Professionals On Line ISSNe: 2709-4502

ICT in the rurality of Peruvian education: Systematic review
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ICT (information and communication technology)
learning process
digital tools
rural education

How to Cite

ICT in the rurality of Peruvian education: Systematic review (M. R. Salas Bazalar, E. M. Andrade Díaz, A. Pacheco Saavedra, & R. Oblitas Pauccar , Trans.). (2022). Alpha Centauri, 3(3), 18-26.


The objective was to analyze articles on the methodology of the insertion of ICT in rural schools in our country, evaluating the research from 2011 to 2021, referring to the information and the results of the improvement indicators regarding the subject. Inclusion was used in the methodology, where the titles of the investigations were considered; the reading, analysis of the summary and conclusions of the investigations; objectives; range of publications of the last ten years, approximately. The search strategy were the following ones in the databases: Scielo, academic Google, La Reference, Virtual Library Concytec, Alicia and Scopus and Boolean operators AND and NOT. In addition, search equations were established alternating the words: ICT, RURAL EDUCATION, BASIC EDUCATION. This shows that the use of digital resources and ICT tools favor the significance of learning, as they develop the ability to understand and understand technology, establishing the closing of the digital gap that marks the learning results of students in these areas. It is concluded that the investigations related to this topic are not enough and that there are limitations to investigate even more due to certain restrictions related to obtaining the information, since some databases host articles that do not show the total content of the article or They have limited access. The application of creative forms of teaching, through ICTs, is recommended and advised; because the result of virtual use is important as a teaching-learning strategy. to accomplish this need, teachers and students must be trained continuously.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 María Rosario Salas Bazalar, Elba María Andrade Díaz, Ana Pacheco Saavedra, Rosemary Oblitas Pauccar