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Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri - Professionals On Line ISSNe: 2709-4502

Territorial management and social determinants for tuberculosis control in a district of Lima
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Pulmonary tuberculosis
Territorial management
Social determinants of health

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Territorial management and social determinants for tuberculosis control in a district of Lima (A. Jesús Herrera, A. Ruiz Pinto, & E. J. Vergara Causo , Trans.). (2022). Alpha Centauri, 3(4), 02-10.


The study determined the impact of territorial management and social determinants on tuberculosis control in the district of El Agustino. The study has conducted using a non-experimental quantitative approach of descriptive correlational design, cross-sectional, with a sample of 90 participants. The non-probabilistic sampling technique has used where three questionnaires were applied. It was observed that the variable Territorial management presented the highest frequency in the Inefficient category (52.2%), followed by the Moderately efficient category (28.9%), and the Efficient category (18.9%). For the variable, social determinants, the highest frequency was in the Efficient category (61.1%), followed by the Moderately efficient category (20.0%) and the Inefficient category (18.9%). In relation to pulmonary tuberculosis, the highest frequency was in the satisfactory category (48.9%), followed by the unsatisfactory category (33.3%), and for the moderately satisfactory category (17.8%). Statistical significance was found in the tuberculosis variable, (p=0.005), highlighting tuberculosis option 1: Dissatisfied with treatment, which suggests combined synergy of territorial management and social determinants, if they influence (p= 0.008), but in a combined manner, although at an independent level. It was found that the levels of territorial management and those of the social determinants variable were significant (p=0.021). Conclusion: It was determined that the combined synergy of both Territorial management and Social determinants of health is what produced the significance in the dependent variable Tuberculosis (p=0.005<0.05).

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Alfredo Jesús Herrera, Alan Ruiz Pinto, Esther Justina Vergara Causo