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Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri - Professionals On Line ISSNe: 2709-4502

The virtual management of the teacher and meaningful learning
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significant learning

How to Cite

The virtual management of the teacher and meaningful learning (J. C. Chávez Peraltilla, H. F. Blancas Amaya, M. A. Flores Guerrero, M. E. Rodriguez Hurtado, G. Rojas Sacramento, & I. K. Cruz Ramos , Trans.). (2022). Alpha Centauri, 3(3), 217-226.


This qualitative approach research: The virtual management of the teacher and the meaningful learning of natural science students contributes to improving the quality of synchronous classes of students plunged into the covid-19 pandemic, starting in March 2020 and continuing. . The objective of the study is to determine the virtual management of the teacher and its relationship with the significant learning of CC.NN. students, of the Faculty of Sciences of the U.N.E., was developed from March to December 2021. Students of chemistry, physics and biology, basic sciences. The sampling was random, due to the similar characteristics of all the participants. For data collection, the interview technique and its instrument were applied: in-depth interview guide, for each category, with open-choice questions. The method used was phenomenological and inductive, which allowed the qualitative interpretation of the data, accompanied by triangulation and analysis with the ATLAS software. you. Regarding the findings, obtained from the triangulation of the data of the two teachers and five students, from the 2020 promotion, from the FAC, UNE. Regarding the general objective, the virtual management of the teacher and the significant learning of the students were considered. The analyzes showed specificities, according to the specialties of chemistry, physics and biology. Likewise, the educational experiences built in a pandemic were valued.

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