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Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri - Professionals On Line ISSNe: 2709-4502

Lean methodology to reduce non-conforming parts, detected by quality control, prior to dispatch
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non-conforming parts
productive process
Lean methodology
Quality control

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Lean methodology to reduce non-conforming parts, detected by quality control, prior to dispatch (W. J. Miranda Chávez, G. A. Montoya Cárdenas, E. A. Vilcara Cárdenas, & J. R. Díaz Dumont , Trans.). (2021). Alpha Centauri, 2(3), 106-123.


The objective of this project was to identify and correct the most repetitive types of defects in the production process of steel and iron parts, in order to reduce the percentage of non-conforming parts. The methodology used is for its purpose it is applied, for its explanatory level, for its quantitative approach, of pre-experimental design and it consisted in the application of Pareto and Ishikawa diagrams; Lean methodology, 8-step methodology, Kaizen event, ERP and the 5s tool. The results were: the reduction of non-conforming parts from 3.96% to 2.71%, an approximate saving of S /. 195,905.00 nuevos soles, increase in customer service capacity, reduction of overtime for personnel and operating equipment, as well as for molding waiting time. It is concluded that the use of the Lean methodology, supported by the other methodologies used in this project, allows the identification of the most repetitive defects, as well as the improvement of operability, efficiency and profitability in the foundry industry.

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Wendel Joel Miranda Chávez

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Wendel Joel Miranda Chávez, Gustavo Adolfo Montoya Cárdenas, Edgardo Arturo Vilcara Cárdenas, Jorge Rafael Díaz Dumont