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Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri - Professionals On Line ISSNe: 2709-4502

Formative feedback and remote collaborative work in initial teacher training in the context of Covid-19
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Formative feedback
collaborative work
Covid 19
students and education

How to Cite

Formative feedback and remote collaborative work in initial teacher training in the context of Covid-19 (I. R. Abad Lezama, N. Pantigoso Leython, F. J. Colina Ysea, S. M. Chávez Campó, Y. G. Zulueta Sánchez, L. M. Tapia Rodríguez, & T. Valenzuela Vargas , Trans.). (2022). Alpha Centauri, 3(3), 163-170.


The general objective of the research was to determine if there is a relationship between the formative feedback and the remote collaborative work of the students of the pre-professional practice of the CSYH faculty of the UNE-2021. The study was developed under the quantitative approach, the design was non-experimental cross-sectional, correlational type. The population consisted of 963 students enrolled in the 2021-I semester. The formula was used to calculate the sample giving 276 and the sampling was simple random probabilistic. The technique was the survey and the questionnaire was the instrument. Validity was expert judgment for both instruments. Reliability was used using the cronbac alpha coefficient, for the formative feedback variable it was 0.93 and for the remote collaborative work variable it was 0.98. The statistical package for the social sciences SPSS, version 25, was used. The results reflect a positive correlation of 0.427 between the formative feedback variable and remote collaborative work. It is concluded that formative feedback and remote collaborative work, in these current times of Covid 19, become significant, systematic and holistic learning strategies, to generate new ways of learning to learn within collaborative spaces.


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Irene Roxana Abad Lezama, Nathalí Pantigoso Leython, Félix José Colina Ysea, Soledad Mirella Chávez Campó, Yolanda Genoveva Zulueta Sánchez, Luz Mariela Tapia Rodríguez, Tatiana Valenzuela Vargas