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Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri - Professionals On Line ISSNe: 2709-4502

Oral marks in research papers to obtain a professional title at a public university
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Oral marks
research work

How to Cite

Oral marks in research papers to obtain a professional title at a public university (G. Idrogo Barboza & A. M. Huaman Guzman , Trans.). (2022). Alpha Centauri, 3(3), 145-152.


The writing of academic texts is a complex activity that requires linguistic and normative mastery; Orality, on the other hand, as a primary action dispenses with some formal resources because it is complemented with other elements for its understanding. When orality is inserted into rigorous scientific writing, oral marks become evident as a problem in writing, a starting point for the research whose objective was to describe the persistence of oral marks in postgraduate theses. The methodology that was applied is a qualitative approach, design, grounded theory. The collection of information was carried out through documentary sources with a released license. The data analysis was carried out with the Atlas.ti program, which allowed the recording of 94 codes grouped into two categories: semantic and morphosyntactic lexical level. The results were discussed with the background of the theoretical support research. Finally, it is concluded that the persistence of oral marks in the writing of thesis with a great predominance of lexical repetitions in the introduction section, will allow proposing alternatives in the development of the writing of the academic text and improve the filter by which they should be used. follow before being published and broadcast.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Gloria Idrogo Barboza, Abraham Moises Huaman Guzman