Revista Científica Certificada con la Norma Internacional ISO 9001:2015 - SGS

Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri - Professionals On Line ISSNe: 2709-4502

Management of comprehensive training processes by competencies of Mathematics and Computer Science students
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Skills development
integral formation

How to Cite

Management of comprehensive training processes by competencies of Mathematics and Computer Science students (F. C. Trujillo Cauti , Trans.). (2022). Alpha Centauri, 3(3), 238-254.


The research is pertinent and responds to the training needs of the students of Mathematics and Computer Science, its objective was to investigate, analyze the foundations of the management of training processes by competences, after the collection of relevant information, analysis, synthesis and organization, build methodological proposals for process management for the development of skills, in this way. ensure in the graduates an efficient performance at the school level and at other educational levels. The qualitative approach of the investigative process followed the methodology of collecting information from the relevant foundations related to the problem, to then use analysis, synthesis, and interpretation procedures for the description, organization, and description of the proposals. Likewise, we promote a dedication to the development of creativity, innovation, and the promotion of talent, fundamental support for professionalism and teaching quality. As a result of the investigation, I present the following proposals: 1. Updating the educational aims and objectives of the Mathematics and Computer Science program, 2. Competency profiles, 3. Foundations of university teaching management. 4. Base process management 5. Establishment of modalities, teaching strategies for the development and achievement of competencies. 6. Illustrates models as contributions to the development of skills and creativity.

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