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Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri - Professionals On Line ISSNe: 2709-4502

Collaborative learning in pre-professional practices of observation, analysis and planning
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Collaborative learning
pre-professional practice
analysis and planning

How to Cite

Collaborative learning in pre-professional practices of observation, analysis and planning (J. L. Vargas Tumaya, P. Ramón Cajavilca, H. Huaringa Flores, L. E. Yachas Jiménez, & S. H. Pacheco Caracuzma , Trans.). (2022). Alpha Centauri, 3(3), 52-58.


In the research, it was proposed to determine the correlation between collaborative learning and the pre-professional practice of observation, analysis and planning in the students of the V cycle of Mathematics and Informatics of the Faculty of Sciences; the methodology used was a quantitative approach, of an applied type and a non-experimental - cross-sectional design. The population consisted of 100 students of the V cycle, 30 students were considered in the mathematics and computer science sample, it is worth mentioning that 61 students were worked on to collect data from pre-professional practice. The validity of the instruments was obtained by expert judgment with an average of 87%, the reliability of the instrument was obtained by the Crombach's Alpha statistic, the result was 0.899 for collaborative learning and 0.862 for pre-professional practice. The Chi Square statistic was applied to find the degree of association between the variables, with a confidence level of 95% and significance of 5%. The results obtained indicated the sig. bilateral of 0.00 being less than the theoretical significance of 0.05 so the null hypothesis was rejected. It was concluded that there is a significant relationship between collaborative learning and pre-professional practice in Mathematics and Computer Science students

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Jady Luz Vargas Tumaya, Pedro Ramón Cajavilca, Herminia Huaringa Flores, Leonidas Eugenio Yachas Jiménez, Sara Honoria Pacheco Caracuzma