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Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri - Professionals On Line ISSNe: 2709-4502

Effects of the family planning counseling program in postpartum adolescent mothers at C.M.I. San José. Ves. Lima. 2020
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family planning

How to Cite

Effects of the family planning counseling program in postpartum adolescent mothers at C.M.I. San José. Ves. Lima. 2020 (Z. Z. Ramos Taype & S. K. Oquendo Olivera , Trans.). (2021). Alpha Centauri, 2(4), 26-35.


The purpose of this article is to establish the effectiveness of the Family Planning Methods Counseling Program on the knowledge of the Adolescent Pregnant Women of C.M.I. San José. VES. Lima. The method used was hypothetical-deductive, sample 60 puerperal women, the design was quasi-experimental, in two groups, experimental and control, developed in the application of the Pre-test and Post-test, composed of 20 items. It was concluded that it is significant that the CMPF Program has effects on the postpartum women, since the knowledge scores in the experimental group are significantly different from the scores obtained in the control group, accentuating in the scores obtained in Process and Achievement.

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Zoila Zunilda Ramos Taype

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Zoila Zunilda Ramos Taype, Sandra Karina Oquendo Olivera