Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica
Alpha Centauri
ISSNe: 2709-4502
Vol. 5 N.º 1
(enero - junio, 2024)
Página 2 de 11
Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri
Formative evaluation in a virtual context: A systematic review
Evaluación formativa en un contexto virtual: una revisión sistemática
Nancy Edith Rivera Huaranga
Universidad César Vallejo, Perú
Mildred Jénica Ledesma Cuadros
Universidad César Vallejo, Perú
El objetivo de la investigación fue analizar las publicaciones realizadas sobre evaluación
formativa en un contexto virtual. El método que se aplicó fue un enfoque cualitativo,
revisión sistemática, se desarrolló la metodología del diagrama PRISMA, se utilizó las
bases de datos Scopus, EBSCO, ProQuest, OneFile y Eric para la búsqueda de artículos
científicos mediante el uso de ecuaciones booleanas de las cuales 108 fueron inicialmente
seleccionados, finalmente reducidos a 40. Los hallazgos permitieron identificar que la
evaluación formativa en el contexto de la virtualidad es un proceso importante que
permite tanto a docentes como a estudiantes realizar reajustes en el proceso de enseñanza-
aprendizaje y tomar decisiones para mejorar el aprendizaje. retroalimentación formativa
de calidad, actitud positiva hacia la evaluación y uso adecuado de las herramientas
tecnológicas, incluyéndolas como grandes aliadas. Entre las conclusiones se encuentran
que la evaluación formativa implica el desarrollo de diversas estrategias que permitan el
aprendizaje de los estudiantes; así como retroalimentación que ayude a identificar
avances y aspectos de mejora en el aprendizaje; a partir de la autoevaluación y la
evaluación por pares, se permite la interacción y la confianza en mismos en los
estudiantes y finalmente, el uso de herramientas tecnológicas facilita la realización de la
evaluación formativa de manera virtual.
Palabras claves: Evaluación formativa, retroalimentación, autoevaluación, evaluación
por pares y herramientas tecnológicas.
The objective of the research was to analyze the publications made regarding formative
assessment in a virtual context. The method that was applied was a qualitative approach,
systematic review, the methodology of the PRISMA diagram was developed, the Scopus,
EBSCO, ProQuest, OneFile and Eric databases were used to search for scientific articles
through the use of Boolean equations of which 108 were initially selected, finally reduced
to 40. The findings allowed us to identify that formative assessment in the context of
virtuality is an important process that allows both teachers and students to make
readjustments in the teaching-learning process and to make decisions to improve
learning. quality formative feedback, positive attitude towards evaluation and
appropriate use of technological tools, including them as great allies. Among the
conclusions are that formative assessment involves the development of various strategies
that allow student learning; as well as feedback that helps to identify progress and aspects
of improvement in learning; from self-evaluation and peer evaluation, interaction and
self-confidence are allowed in students and finally, the use of technological tools makes
it easier to carry out formative assessment virtually.
Keywords: Formative assessment, feedback, self-assessment, peer assessment and
technological tools.
Publicado: 22/01/2024
Aceptado: 17/01/2024
Recibido: 10/08/2023
Open Access
Article review
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Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica
Alpha Centauri
ISSNe: 2709-4502
Vol. 5 N.º 1
(enero - junio, 2024)
Página 3 de 11
Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri
Formative assessment in virtual contexts is considered a
permanent process of very important improvement in the
educational work since it takes into account the permanent
compilation of evidence to analyze and reflect on the
achievements achieved, allowing to rethink pedagogical
strategies in search of the improvement of students’
learning (Wqfubwa, 2020). The primary purpose of this
assessment is to inform andengage students in learning
actions, influencing the affective aspect of the educational
process (Çekiç, & Bakla, 2021). Likewise, it has a positive
impact when the teacher gives them feedback on what has
been analyzed (Gezer et. al, 2021), since it allows them to
make the corresponding improvements and achieve the
expected learning. On the other hand, formative
assessment, according to Ayalon, & Wilkie (2021) is very
valuable for students; however, it is a very complex process
for teachers in virtual education, constituting a constant
In the global context, there are several studies that address
this category, amongwhich is the research carried out by
Díaz (2018) who said that for formative assessment to
impact student learning, it is necessary to It must be present
in the teachers' paradigm and be coherently related to the
purpose of the curricular areas and learning outcomes. On
the other hand, González et al. (2020) asserted that
teachers, by applying formative assessment, contribute to
student participation, benefiting them in their learning.
Likewise, formative assessment allows students to manage
their own learning, achieving their autonomy and self-
regulating their learning (Cunill, & Curbelo, 2021). That is
why education professionals must take it into account and
apply it, understanding that an adequate formative
assessment will contribute to the progress of educational
quality and raise learning standards.
In the virtual work carried out, formative assessment takes
on greater meaning and importance due to the fact that in
this modality the teacher and the student are distanced in
space; This implies that the student develops autonomy
competencies; It is necessary for the teacher to make use
of the formative assessment process based on self-
assessment and co-assessment; However, this is
complicated in the virtual modality because the teacher
often focuses more on hetero-evaluation, making this a
permanent challenge.
As is public knowledge, education has now undergone
radical changes in the way classes are taught, with
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
being indispensable allies of the education sector. In this
regard, Viñoles-Cosentino et al. (2021) considered the
importance of the digital tool in formative assessment in a
virtual context; They also referred to the need for teachers
to continue developing their digital skills to optimally carry
out their classes, incorporating digital strategies on an
ongoing basis, so that education can continue.
Based on the above approach, the aim of the research was
to analyze the publications made regarding formative
assessment in a virtual context.
Formative Assessment: Theoretical
Formative assessment is a process of analysis of results that
includes feedback on learning throughout the development
of class sessions (Alharbi et al., 2021). This process allows
the teacher and students to know and share the learning
purposes, which allow them to make adjustments to
teaching and learning strategies in order to achieve the
goals (Hidalgo, 2021). This evaluationinvolves proper
planning, which will benefit both teachers and students;
since it will allow the student's learning evidence to be used
to readjust teaching processes and modify learning
strategies (Popham, 2013 cited in Calderon, 2021).
The importance of formative assessment lies in the fact that
it seeks to make the student the main actor and responsible
for regulating their own learning, getting involved in the
assessment process in a conscious and responsible way
(Gros & Cano, 2021).
The objective of this assessment is to increase the
achievement of students' learning, constantly motivating
them based on their achievements and successes (Hidalgo,
The subcategories that have been considered in this study
are: Strategies, Feedback, Self-Assessment and Peer
Evaluation and Technological Tools.
Strategies are procedures that allow an objective to be
achieved through the implementation of planned actions;
therefore, there is a need to consider as a strategy the
intensive training of teachers in teaching and assessment
issues through the use of technology so that they are
prepared to take on the challenges demanded by virtual
education (Sa'di et al., 2021).
In this context, it is necessary for teachers to acquire
strategies that allow them to develop their capacities and
skills required to carry out teaching work efficiently, using
various strategies, including the use of ICTs, so that they
can carry out optimal and quality work, which responds to
current demands (Ehren et al., 2021).
Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica
Alpha Centauri
ISSNe: 2709-4502
Vol. 5 N.º 1
(enero - junio, 2024)
Página 4 de 11
Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri
Feedback is a process that takes place in a given learning
context and is effective when there is initial knowledge
(Moreno, 2021). This process makes it possible to make
judgments regarding the teaching-learning process, to
know how students are progressing and how much they
have been learning, so that, based on this, timely decision-
making can be made. The authors, Cano et al. (2020, cited
in Moreno, 2021) presented three modes of feedback:
information, which refers to the information that the
student receives about his or her task; interaction, in which
a dialogue is developed between the teacher and the student
about a task in order to deepen its good performance; and
action, refers to a range of activities that the student carries
out based on the information received to improve their
work. In the same vein, feedback is considereda constant
process that occurs in three periods: giving and receiving
information, processing and understanding information,
and making decisions to improve the expected learning
(Guasch, & Espasa, 2015 cited in Espasa-Roca, & Guasch-
Pascual, 2021).
Self-Assessment and Peer Assessment
Self-assessment is a practice where students become aware
of their own learning, in order to transform and modify it
(Basurto-M endoza et al., 2021). On the other hand,
Klenowski (1995, cited in Ustabulut, 2021) stated that it
consists of making a certain judgment about the person's
own situation. This strategy allows the teacher to spend
more time supporting students in other relevant aspects of
the learning process (Ustabulut, 2021).
Peer assessment is a strategy in which a student evaluates
the quality of evidence of learning from another student of
the same level, understood as a process in which they
provide information, either descriptive or improving, about
the work of their fellow student (Huertas-Abril et al.,
2021). In this evaluation, it is important that the teacher
provides clear guidelines to the students, seeking to
actively involve them in the evaluation of their peers, thus
achieving a better understanding of the activities
developed. This strategy, carried out, requires the student
to assume the role of evaluator to give feedback to their
partner, being a complex process (Del Pozo, 2020), but
very effective.
Technological tools
Technological tools are innovative resources that force a
change in the pedagogical axis of teachers, the educational
institution and the education policies themselves (Molinero
& Chávez, 2019). Likewise, information and
communication technologies are tools that allow
knowledge to be processed, directed and shared through
different technological devices, allowing interactions
between users (Muñiz-López et al., 2021).
The research methodology responds to a qualitative
approach, systematic review based on the search for
scientific references between the years 2020-2021 in the
databases of Scopus, EBSCO, ProQuest, OneFile and
ERIC. In this regard, Suyo-Vega et al. (2021) reported that
these databases bring together journals whose publications
are from different countries and different languages and
meet criteria accepted by the scientific community.
Systematic review is a type of scientific research that
allows the review of scientific articles on a category and
subcategories by applying systematic protocols to reach
objective conclusions about that category. The research
was carried out using Boolean equations "AND" and "OR";
taking into account searches in languages such as English
and Spanish (Suyo-Vega et al., 2021). The equations used
were "formative evaluation AND/OR Strategies",
"formative evaluation AND/OR Feedback", "formative
evaluation AND/OR Self and peer evaluation", "formative
evaluation AND/OR Technological tools". A total of 108
scientific articles were obtained from the search, and after
careful analysis, a selection of 40 was made. Within the
inclusion criteria, articles with a qualitative, quantitative
and mixed approach and that have the IMRD methodology
were considered; within the exclusion criteria, articles that
did not have a clear methodology and literature reviews
were considered.
Figure 1
Formative Assessment Diagram
Source: Adapted from PRISMA, flowchart (Urrutia &
Bonfill, 2010)
Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica
Alpha Centauri
ISSNe: 2709-4502
Vol. 5 N.º 1
(enero - junio, 2024)
Página 5 de 11
Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri
Of the 40 selected studies, 40% were qualitative, 47.5%
quantitative and 12.5% mixed; 17.5% corresponded to the
formative assessment strategies subcategory (5 of the 7
studies showed interrelation with the other subcategories);
32.5 % to the feedback subcategory (7 of the 13 studies
demonstrate interrelation with the other subcategories).
15% to the self-assessment and peer assessment
subcategory (2 of the 6 studies demonstrate interrelation
with the other subcategories) and 35% to the technological
tools subcategory (5 of the 14 studies demonstrate
interrelation with the other subcategories).
Results and discussion
Of the 40 selected studies, 40% were qualitative, 47.5%
quantitative and 12.5% mixed; 17.5% corresponded to the
formative assessment strategies subcategory (5 of the 7
studies showed interrelation with the other subcategories
); 32.5% to the feedback subcategory (7 of the 13 studies
demonstrate interrelation with the other subcategories).
15% to the self-assessment and peer assessment
subcategory (2 of the 6 studies demonstrate interrelation
with the other subcategories) and 35% to the technological
tool’s subcategory (5 of the 14 studies demonstrate
interrelation with the other subcategories).
When analyzing the results in the sub-category strategies
in formative assessment, it was found that educational
institutions in the context of virtuality were not prepared
for the development of virtual formative assessment
strategies; Likewise, teachers showed distrust about the
validity of the virtual assessment of students, fearing that it
will not be carried out properly, harming the assessment,
which aims to contributeto reflection on learning (Sa'di et
al., 2021). On the other hand, in another study it was
evidenced that those teachers who in the face-to-face
modality were innovative in the strategies applied in their
pedagogical practice are those who have been more
predisposed to the modality of remote work, as well as
those who had a knowledge of technologies, adapted their
pedagogical practice in less time, in order to provide the
educational service; however, it requires personal and
collaborative organization in this new scenario (Ehren et
al., 2021)
The formative assessment approach to teachers'
pedagogical practices considers five strategies such as the
presentation of class objectives, the presentation of
evaluation criteria, student questioning and engagement,
feedback, self-evaluation and peer evaluation; Some
evidence of the application of these strategies was
observed; however, only a minority of them were able to
demonstrate the effective use of any specific strategy
(Kanjee, 2020).
It is important to consider an adequate formative
assessment strategy, in which the results reveal the proper
development of this assessment, which increases the
motivation and commitment of students, through the
application of a creative and shared methodology, which
considers play and feedback as important elements. It is
therefore important to let students know, from the
beginning of the development of the learning activity, what
is expected of them, what they should develop and how
they will be able to improve their learning.; The study
shows that students are satisfied with the engagement
generated by formative assessment, both individually and
in groups; highlighting the teacher's confidence in the
students' achievements (Bores-García et al., 2020).
On the other hand, a study shows how theories related to
summative and formative assessment are often not taken
into account by teachers, since in most cases they are only
carried away by their dogmas; likewise, they report that
teachers require adequate tools with perspectives on
evaluation in relation to current norms (Ferretti et al.,
2021); an alternative is Google Forms, which is a valuable
tool that improves students' knowledge and self-efficacy,
resulting in both students and teachers showing positive
attitudes towards online formative assessment (Alharbi et
al., 2021). Another of the strategies needed in formative
assessment is the portfolio, which allows to evidence
essential changes in decision-making and in the way,
students face a problematic situation, in which the written
feedback given by the teacher from the use of this strategy,
gives them a new opportunity for reflection (Pessoa, &
Dalto, 2020). Likewise, the structure of students'
knowledge objectives related to teachers' self-efficacy and
the use of formative assessment practices presented a
statistically significant result (Xiang et al., 2020).
Diez-Gutiérrez, & Gajardo (2021) in their study concluded
that online formative assessment is fairer, but it must use a
diversity of strategies and instruments that allow assessing
the progress of the work developed by students during the
learning process and that it is also useful for students to
know their strengths and weaknesses Likewise, a study on
the application of a school-based formative assessment
(SBA) model shows that there is no adequate guidance for
teachers on the model to follow; being a negative aspect
that prevents you from doing an optimal job; In addition,
the high workload, the excessive number of students per
classroom, as well as the absence of supervision and
monitoring of the program by the authorities (Rahman et
al., 2021). On the other hand, Novôa, & Nasser (2021)
stated that assessment should be perceived as a formative
strategy that allows the achievement of learning, since it is
always possible to provide students with the possibility of
understanding where they went wrong and correcting their
Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica
Alpha Centauri
ISSNe: 2709-4502
Vol. 5 N.º 1
(enero - junio, 2024)
Página 6 de 11
Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri
mistakes by themselves; This contributes significantly to
their learning.
When analyzing the results of the subcategory feedback in
formative assessment, it was found that through the
development of an adaptive formative assessment system
applied by teachers, using computerized adaptive tests and
dynamic Bayesian networks, students can take elements
and tests adaptively to receive personalized diagnostic
feedback at a distance on progression of their learningin an
efficient way (Choi, & Mcclenen, 2020); This is beneficial.
On the other hand, a result shows that teachers are willing
to give up some of their existing powers in the assessment
process, such as using the digital system in assessment and
feedback-DAFS as a means to find strategies and tools to
increase student participation in the assessment and
feedback process, these topics are widely discussed in the
literature and some are already existing practices,
therefore, this research did not contribute to the discovery
of new knowledge; rather, the way in which student
participation can be exercised from three areas of learning
agency in DAFS: self-assessment, enabling a library at the
level of a feedback program, and establishing a mechanism
whereby grades are only sentto the student after the
feedback is acted upon (Casanova et al. , 2021).
The study carried out by Espasa-Roca, & Guasch-Pascual
(2021) showed the need to plan strategies that seek to focus
on the students’ need for decision-making and address
actions based on the feedback received; in order to rework
and improve their evidence of learning. In the same way,
the professional development of the teacher can focus on
specific areas within the decision-making framework of the
evaluation design that were compromised during the
transition periodfrom face-to-face to remote learning, such
as feedback, which can be done through other means: such
as audio or video, maintaining a quality educational service
(Jaam et al., 2021).
The findings of (Haughney et al., 2020) demonstrated that
quality feedback, conducted conscientiously, with accepted
quality standards, such as being positive, concrete and
relevant , which promotes the active participation of
students, has a greater impact on success; Additional
characteristics, in which feedback must be given
throughout the learning process, being necessary to
consider the preferences and needs of the students in order
to directly influence the achievement of their learning.
Likewise, they also demonstrated the importance of the
active participation of students in the feedback process by
testing the feasibility of the feedback design that involves
different types of response on the feedback received by the
teacher, the students recognized the positive impact of the
individual feedback received and related its effectiveness
to its possible practical application; They suggest further
research on the delivery and use of teacher feedback in
relation to students' individual learning styles and self-
regulation skills.
Formative feedback conducted by video, according to
studies conducted by Cutting, & Larkin (2021) and
Nikolaeva & Korol (2021) is positiveto; It makes it
possible to easily share the computer screen and use images
in the recording to present the ideas of the student, thus
helping to connect the student with the learning
environment, which allows an increase in self-reflection
and bonding with the teacher. Likewise, effective feedback
encourages teachers to reflect on their pedagogical
practice, generating positive affective and cognitive
impacts on students to achieve the learning purpose, getting
them to carry out a self-evaluation to modify and adjust
their learning styles to the strategy provided by the teacher
andworking simultaneously to create an appropriate
learning environment (Milawati et al., 2021).
Inthe study by Jeong et al. (2020) it was shown that the
motivation carried out by teachers, through feedback and
logbooks, positively influences the participation of a
sustainable and flipped online formative assessment
interface, providing a sustainable and active learning
methodology; in the case of teachers, they can differentiate
their teaching method using adaptation assignments,
feedback assignments and their records;the interface can be
used to increase communication between students and
teachers The findings also show that the feedback given by
peers fosters a model of improvement for students, both in
the face-to-face and online modalities (Andrade et al.,
2020). In addition, students who submitted notes on the
progress of their work and received formative feedback for
their assignment achieved better results than students who
did not, the educational theory of effective feedback design
was put into practice and it was shown to positively affect
the educational outcomes of students in this module
(Cobbold, & Wright, 2021).
Finally, the development of additional oral practices,
supported by formative feedback, for the improvement of
oral competence, from the participation of students in
additional online oral activities, indicated that students
recognized the benefits in terms of language learning and
learning strategies, teachers recognized that peer-supported
feedback helped to lessen their workload, with respect to
correction, as they shared this responsibility with more
advanced students (Bedford et al., 2020).
The results regarding the subcategory of self-assessment
and peer assessment in formative assessment showed that
teachers maintain a positive attitude towards formative
assessment, highlighting that this assessment allows them
to improve their work performance, and allows them to
Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica
Alpha Centauri
ISSNe: 2709-4502
Vol. 5 N.º 1
(enero - junio, 2024)
Página 7 de 11
Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri
improve their work allows a change in the
perspective of assessment that includes peer assessment
and self-assessment by students, taking into account the
context and different techniques and strategies for their
application (Huertas-Abril et al., 2021). In addition,
another study reported that thepractice of formative peer
assessment has a favorable impact on student learning, as
it allows for student intervention, knowledge sharing, and
learning enhancement (Arif et al., 2021).
Another result shows an evaluation model in which the
purpose of learning is considered, as well as the
achievement criteria and peer evaluation, contributing to
the modeling of a strategy to develop skills in students,
allowing the achievement of their learning (Wafubwa, &
Csíkos, 2020). Another study revealed that a large number
of students were able to assess a peer-to-peer oral
performance and to self-assess with an acceptable degree
of accuracy, demonstrating that it is important for them to
know the assessment criteria, which allow them to know
what is expected of them; Thisalso allowed students to be
engaged, helping them to feel better prepared to
successfully carry out their final oral evaluations (Del
Pozo, 2020). Likewise, Chorrojprasert (2021) confirmed
the benefits of peer assessment and feedback as it allows
the improvement of students' knowledge, cognitive skills,
criticality and autonomy; Therefore, it is necessary for
teachers to manage formative assessment and apply it
appropriately with their students.
Regarding the category of technological tools in formative
assessment, the study carried out by Silvis-Cividjian et al.
(2021) R revealed that teachers have been incorporating
technological tools into their praxis and providing students
with the challenge of using it as an adequate substitute for
the traditional pencil and paper exam, which was very well
received by students during distance education . Likewise,
García (2021) stated that formative assessment through the
use of technological tools has benefits in different
educational systems, whether distance or virtual.
A study revealed that in the distance context there are
difficulties in formative assessment and this is partly due to
a partial knowledge of the possibilities offered by
technologies and the socio-political context in which the
teacher operates (Ferretti et al., 2021). On the other hand,
researchers Major, et al. (2020) conducted a study on the
development of ICT-based formative assessment, the first
phase of the research was an introductory study that
consisted of the distribution of a questionnaire, product
development, validation of experience in materials and
media, small range experiment and product review, being
the advisable and compatible result for the improvement of
The researchers, Bashitialshaaer et al. (2021) concluded
that in distance education there are difficulties in achieving
the application of electronic exams, with the underlying
vulnerability of the electricity supply and the grid being a
major problem. Therefore, it is necessary to establish
policies to support and guide teachers and students in order
to facilitate their integration and adaptability so that they
can achieve the expected results. Finally, the impact of this
health crisis on education has shown the potential of
distance learning, whether synchronous or asynchronous;
whereas, the remote evaluation process still raises
technical, functional, and ontological controversies that
need to be addressed and improved (García-Alberti et al.,
On the other hand, the results presented by Grier et al.
(2021) showed that teachers use technology assessments in
their classrooms; It is important that they consider that
students have different interests and characteristics;
therefore, teachers to meet these needs, must consider a
variety of technological assessments such as Kahoot, for
those who prefer to compete, and those who do not, can
use the Google form; because, If only one type of
assessment is chosen, it may be inefficient and of little
interest to some students.
Another technological application is Tryout, which allows
teachers to give feedback individually and in groups, based
on comments and information, also the teacher can discuss
students' learning difficulties using the Webvoting
application. The web-based formative feedback system,
which uses isomorphic multiple-choice items, has been
shown to provide more specific feedback for both students
and teachers, not only because of the score that these
conventional multiple-choice tests usually give, but also
because of the student's proficiency in the a specific
learning indicator (Kusairi, 2020).
On the other hand, the study conducted by RR, et al.
(2020) revealed that inexperienced teachers find the
adoption of the practice of questioning quite complicated
and need extensive support to change their practice. The
results indicated that all closed-ended items were common
to all the tools examined and were automatically graded,
while only some of them offered underdeveloped methods
for grading open-ended items. All of the tools provided
students with various forms of data and different feedback
mechanisms; although, the most common form of data was
immediate responses and numerical scores (Çekiç, &
Bakla, 2021). Another study shows that performance,
positive motivation, feedback, and logs have a positive
influence with 98.6% participation in the sustainable,
flipped online formative assessment interface (Jeong et al.,
Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica
Alpha Centauri
ISSNe: 2709-4502
Vol. 5 N.º 1
(enero - junio, 2024)
Página 8 de 11
Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Alpha Centauri
Another important finding is that students are satisfied with
the performance of formative assessments through the
incorporation of technological tools made by teachers, as it
allows them to carry out collaborative work during the
tests, have enriched materials and adequate time to carry
outtheIn general, they havepositive views on digital
formative assessment; however, they are dissatisfied with
the technical issues they encountered during the
administration of the digital formative tests (Çetin, 2021).
Formative assessment in a virtual context is an important
process of analysis of the results that allows both the
teacher and the students to make adjustments to the
teaching-learning strategies and to make decisions that
allow the achievement of the established objectives. There
are difficulties, among which we can mention electronic
assessments, which are often interrupted due to lack of
electricity or deficiencies in the network service. Formative
assessment is important because it allows students to
regulate their own learning process and allows teachers to
evaluate students' evidence in order to make adjustments to
the teaching process and achieve the expected results.
The strategies used by the teachers in the virtual spaces are
varied, mainly the presentation of the objectives of the
class, the presentation of the evaluation criteria, the
questioning and commitment of the student, the feedback,
self-evaluation and evaluation in the classroom. peers as an
appropriate strategy for conducting formative assessment;
as this increases the motivation and commitment of the
students. Likewise, other strategies in the context of
virtuality are the use of virtual tools such as the Google
form and the portfolio as a formative assessment strategy,
which allows to evidence essential changes in decision-
making and in the way, students face a problematic
situation, in which the written feedback given by the
teacher from the use of theof this strategy, gives them a new
opportunity to improve their evidence of learning.
In the virtual modality, teachers have been providing
formative feedback to students, thus changing the focus of
assessment that is generally consideredba for grading
purposes. Likewise, the execution of formative feedback
through the use of various strategies such as the portfolio,
the use of the rubric for peer-to-peer feedback, the use of a
structured guide, as well as the incorporation of technology
through the use ofvideos to provide personalized feedback
to students is beneficial in learning. On the other hand,
considering teacher training in the application of feedback
is very important for it to be carried out in a relevant way;
as well as, generating a climate of trust between teachers
and students, taking into account the context and their
learning needs.
Self-assessment is the assessment that the student makes to
himself and peer assessment is the one that is carried out
between peers, both are strategies of formative assessment
that has been applied in this distance modality; being peer
assessment the one that has the greatest benefits in students,
allowing them to develop their self-confidence. autonomy,
critical thinking, and learning from mistakes; as well as
maintaining a positive attitude towards evaluation,
understanding it as a formative process and not just an act
for grading purposes. It is important that in order to carry
out the self-assessment and the peer assessment, the teacher
informs the students of the criteria that will be taken into
account in order to know what is expected of them.
Technological tools are a great ally of formative
assessment in virtual contexts, because they allow feedback
to be provided to students throughthe use of various tools
such as Tryout, Kahoot, Webvoting, Google Form, either
individually or among peers, it is therefore necessary for
teachers to know how to use them in a relevant way.
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